venerdì 2 dicembre 2022

⚰️ Death Pool 2023 ⚰️ Fantamorto

First Part: the teams

  1. Each player must create a team of 11 dying people
  2. We are against racism, sexism and any discrimination, so each team must be composed of dying of both sexes, and of every culture, age, religion, sexual orientation. It will not be possible to put in the team more than 3 centenarians (born 100 years before the championship)
  3. To be allowed, a dying must have a page on Wikipedia (any language is allowed, provided that the date of birth is in the page)
  4. Each player must choose a captain of their team, in case of death double points !!!
  5. It is not possible to replace dying during the season
  6. Each player must send the composition of the team before 31/12/2022 23:59 on the group, specifying: name and surname of each dying, and age
  7. It is not granted in any way to the participants of the game to become an active part in the achievement of points, neither directly nor by interposed person.

Second part: points

  1. With the death of a dying the team will receive a credit equal to 100-age of the dead
  2. For the attribution of the points will be authentic news agencies and subsequent news, radio news, websites and the like that are recognized as reliable sources.
  3. Each participant must inform the group whenever believes is entitled to the award of points, even in case of presumable obviousness, otherwise the relative score will not be assigned
  4. The participant has only 7 calendar days, from the moment of the death, to request the group to assign the score. Beyond this time limit the request can no longer be submitted. Excuses will not be accepted, including media strikes, blackouts, family reasons, etc.
  5. Each participant has the right to notify the group if they believe there are real or alleged maluses against their opponents. The group shall take the most appropriate decision each time in accordance with the current Regulation.
  6. Bonus mortem (valid only in case of death):
    1. Death +10 pt. in case of death;
    2. Death sentence +9 pt. if the dying person is sentenced to death;
    3. Under 30 +7 pt. if the dying person dies before the age of 30;
    4. Under 50 +5 pt. if the dying person dies before the age of 50;
    5. Live Death +5 pt. if the death occurs during any live television, radio or similar;
    6. Speedy Gonzales +3 pt. for the first death of the season;
    7. #epicfail +3 pt. in the event that death occurs in embarrassing situations or for stupid reasons (at the discretion of the group);
    8. 4drivingwheels +2 pt. if the dying person was forced to live in a wheelchair. The bonus also applies to dying permanently bedridden;
    9. Musselman +2 pt. if prostheses had been applied to the dying. They apply as such: glass eyes, prostheses for the replacement of arms/legs and the like. Do not apply: dentures; crutches, sticks and the like; organ transplants; heart valves and artificial heart; pacemaker; wigs;  artificial anus; silicone breasts or in general cosmetic surgery.
    10. Holidays +2 pt. if the death occurs on a public holiday in our country;
    11. Company +1 pt. if the moritur dies together with one or more people, including embryonic individuals.
  7. In case of death of the captain, it will be possible to assign the charge to another dying
  8. Misfortune bonus
    1. Murder +9 pt. in the event that the dying person is guilty of murder (even multiple), both premeditated and negligent, meaning for such even voluntary or spontaneous abortions;
    2. Suicide +9pt. in the case the morituro voluntarily puts an end to its existence, succeeding;
    3. Coma +8 pt. in the event that the moritur ends up in a coma, even in the case of a waking coma, but not in the case of an ethyl, glycemic or pharmacologically induced medical coma;
    4. Seizure +7 pt. if the deceased ends up the subject of kidnapping;
    5. Attempted suicide +6 pt. if the dying person tries to voluntarily end his life, without succeeding;
    6. Hospitalization or Illness +6 pt. in case the dying person should be hospitalized, or similar, for problems to his own health, or for detoxification, or for reasons of cosmetic surgery. Does not apply in the case of treatments involving chemotherapy or similar;
    7. Close relatives +5 pt. in the case of a deceased relative of the moritur, up to the second degree, even if the moritur is an active cause;
    8. Live +2 pt. in the event that the dying person undergoes or provokes any act of this list during any live television, radio or similar;
    9. Massacre +4 pt. in case the dying person is guilty of murder as described above, in case the number of victims is greater than three;
    10. Judicial troubles +2 pt. in the event that the dying person is arrested and/or convicted, in any of the degrees of judgment provided by the judicial system of his country. They do not contribute to the bonus moral sentences or by organs that are not formally part of the judicial system;
    11. Divorce +3 pt. if the dying person obtains a divorce from his spouse (+1 pt. if he also loses custody of the children, -1 if he gets it);
    12. Pandemic: +5 pt. in the event that the moritur contracts viruses recognized as pandemic by the WHO.
    1. Slight injury +2 pt. in the case the dying person came across a slight injury, at most medicated by the emergency department. This includes hospitalization for chemotherapy. However, it will be up to the group to decide to award this bonus, evaluating it on a case-by-case basis;
    2. Family drama +2 pt. in the case of a deceased relative of the moritur, beyond the second degree, even if the moritur is active cause of it;
    3. Acts of vandalism +1 pt. in case the dying person suffers or provokes any act of vandalism. Offenses on social networks or during radio and television broadcasts do not contribute to the bonus if they are not formally reported;
    4. Separation +1 pt. in the event that the deceased obtains a separation sentence from the spouse (+1 pt. if he also loses custody of the offspring, -1 if he obtains it);
    5. Honorem from 1 to 10 pt. for objectively compelling merits, earned on the field by the dying, and in general for all those cases of relevance not covered by the following rules, but for which competitors believe they must request points to the group. However, it will be up to the latter to decide to award this bonus, assessing it on a case-by-case basis.
  9. Malus vitae: the group, by its very constitution, is opposed to the proliferation of life and its quiet unfold smoothly, tragedies, deaths and the like; for this reason the group considers it correct to attribute malus to those who die, with their actions, harm the spirit of the game in which they are inserted as pawns:
    1. Pro-life -5 pt. for every life saved by the dying actively or passively participating, but always in the first person;
    2. Exoneration -4 pt. for every sentence of first instance that exonerates the deceased from the charges that had brought him to court. This malus does not apply to prescription cases;
    3. Offspring -3 pt. for every child born to the dying, or his companion. For cases of doubtful attribution of paternity, it will be up to the group to decide to attribute such malus, assessing it on a case-by-case basis.
    4. Coma exit -2 pt. in the unfortunate case the moritur awakens from coma; the malus applies also in the case of a waking coma, but not in the case of an ethyl, glycemic or pharmacologically induced medical coma.
    5. Wedding -1pt. In case the dying man joins in marriage to his partner/s. All forms of religious, civil or religious marriage, or according to the rites and prescriptions of religious sects, are considered valid if at least one of the members of the matrimonial union is part of it. Matrimonial forms will not be considered cohabitations, unmarried couples, pacs, until the legislator considers them as such.
    6. Pandemic Exit: -3 pt. in case the moritur heals from viruses recognized as pandemic by the WHO.
    7. Dishonor -1 to -10 pt. for objectively binding demerits, lost in the field by the dying, and in general for all those cases of relevance not covered by the following regulation, but for which competitors believe they must request the subtraction of points to the group. However, it will be up to the latter to decide to attribute this malus, assessing it on a case-by-case basis.

Third part: awards

The glory

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